Saturday, February 2, 2008


The developer, in accordance with his aims, uses various tools and knows their characteristics and uses them well. This is the way of the developer.

We all know this. So I share the tools I use for compiling, debugging, finding, testing, etc.

Freeware Windows Based Tools:
FreeMind to map your ideas out.
UMLPad to diagram class, state, etc. models.

Flash Develop code editor.
Flex SDK compiler to be used in Flash Develop.
ANT is a java based build tool that uses XML for build scripts.

Flash Debug Players to see trace statements with Flash Tracer, FDB, or in the output pane of Flash Develop.
Fiddler to sniff communications if your making HTTP requests.
WireShark sniff all other communications.
Flash Tracer to get traces when a SWF is deployed from inside a html browser.

Version Control
Tortoise SVN to save versions as your code progresses.
WinMerge to compare versions for text, files, and folders.

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